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Disable NPM fund message

Whenever you install packages using NPM, you get a message that the packages seek funding. This functionality was introduced back in NPM version 6.13. It looks like this:

$ npm install
3 packages are looking for funding.
Run "npm fund" to find out more.

Running npm fund shows which packages are looking for funding. Here is a quick preview of what the output looks like:

$ npm fund
├─┬ fund-dev-dep@1.0.0
│ ├── type: dev dep
│ └── url: http://example.com/fund
├─┬ fund-project@1.0.0
│ ├── type: individual
│ └── url: https://example.com/project/support
└─┬ sub-fund-foo@1.0.0
  ├── type: corporate
  └── url: https://corp.example.com/sponsor

While the idea is excellent, you should always support open-source projects in any way possible! It can generate unwanted noise, especially in CI environments. If you want, you can disable it by running the following command:

npm config set fund false

Or add the following line manually to your .npmrc.


Or expose it as a shell environment variable:

export NPM_CONFIG_FUND=false

Or, if you want to run it once, disable it for installation using the flag --no-fund:

npm install --no-fund

Bonus tip:

While these fund messages are one of the many ways these messages get displayed in the terminal, you can add the following to your shell to disable those as well.

export ADBLOCK=true